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You Are God's Ambassador

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

2 Corinthians 5:20




1: a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment

2a: an authorized representative or messenger

2b: an unofficial representative

Have you ever considered your official position and authority in Jesus? In addition to being God's children and rightful heirs, we have authority from the Sovereign God to serve as His representatives - His ambassadors. Therefore, we have a specific assignment: Be a light, share the gospel, make disciples, baptize, be holy, and to love. Our duty goes beyond the church community and believers. We have a responsibility to be ambassadors in our homes, our families, our communities, our companies and schools, and in every nation.

Do we realize the weight of this calling? As people encounter us, they encounter Jesus.

Do we realize the weight of this calling? As people encounter us, they encounter Jesus. Not only do we represent Jesus, but the Spirit of God lives in us. Furthermore, when unbelievers know we are Christians, they automatically associate our character with God's character...for better or for worse. Do we want to make God look bad or dishonor His name? Surely not! That is why we must be mindful of our behavior at all times and in all places and ensure our intentions come from a pure heart. We are not our own. We belong to God. He has dictated His expectations and policies for His ambassadors in the Bible. Either we will align with His Word or suffer the consequences, for God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).

September 4, 2020 marked two years that I have taught in China. In such a short time, I have taught over 1,000 students, ages 2 to 50, levels preschool to medical doctors. What does this have to do with being an ambassador for Christ? Over 1,000 people have encountered Christ through me - His ambassador. I have had students and coworkers say to me:

"You're different"

"You care deeply."

"You must believe in a god [sic] because I've noticed that people who believe in God act differently"

"We [the doctoral students] know you love us. We can feel your love in the classroom."

People should not have to look, think, behave, and believe like we do for us to love them deeply.

Each one of these comments brought me to tears, because I realized the importance of what they were saying to me: My light was shining brightly. I was loving others as God commanded me to love: Deeply. Love who? Others. The unbelievers, the different, the strangers. People should not have to look, think, behave, and believe like we do for us to love them deeply. That adds nothing to us; we will not reap our Heavenly reward continuing to carefully choose who is worthy of love. More importantly, each one of these comments provided me an opportunity to encourage them, share a testimony, or respond by glorifying my Father. When my student said they knew they were loved by me, I responded, "That means a lot to me. I have committed my life to loving others - including my students - the way God loves us. Love belongs in every part of our lives. My classroom is no exception." I pray she will always remember that and have a desire to seek God for herself. We just have to plant the seed; God will nurture it.

We just have to plant the seed; God will nurture it.

My first year teaching in China was quite challenging. My teaching schedule was overwhelming to say the least. I worked so hard and so long that at times I felt weak, but God never forsook me. He gave me the strength and grace to complete my assignment with excellence and make His appeals. The Holy Spirit reminded me: "Even when it feels like man is using you, in truth, I'm using man. Everything you are doing is for Me and My glory. Every student you taught, I wanted to touch." That revelation changed my perspective on my job, my calling, and my duty. From that moment on, I looked forward to every class being my opportunity to shine my light and love on my students. God and I had work to do!

Your character will either open the door to greater, deeper conversations about God or it will burn down the whole building.

I never preached a sermon, read a scripture, or prayed in the classroom to make the impact I did these last two years. We do not have to preach and proclaim the gospel of Jesus to get people's attention. State laws and university policies - whether for faith or not - do not inhibit your responsibility or cancel an opportunity to love to love God and love people. Not only is preaching or openly evangelizing illegal in many countries such as China, but you risk disengaging and offending people if you do not first build a genuine relationship with them. The primary objective as God's ambassador is to demonstrate godly character and the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Your character will either open the door to greater, deeper conversations about God or it will burn down the whole building. The choice is yours. Remember, you are the only Bible some people will ever read.

The primary objective as God's ambassador is to demonstrate godly character and the fruit of the Spirit.

We are God's ambassadors. We have been appointed and anointed for our divine assignments. Have courage and don't relent, ambassadors of Christ!

My prayer is that we learn to delight, not only in God, but also in our assignments and the territories God has given us. I pray that God enlarges our territories and that we represent Him well with integrity and courage. In Jesus' name, amen.

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