Leadership & Followership
These workshops focus on the core principles of spiritual leadership (calling and membership) to help leaders effectively motivate team members to change in alignment with organizational goals, values, and purpose and also spiritual followership whereby followers learn their role in co-producing organizational outcomes.
Spiritual Leadership
Based on Dr. Mercer's empirical research, learn what workplace spirituality is and what it requires of 21st century leaders. This workshop includes Dr. Mercer's 10 Principles of Powerful Leaders.
Spiritual Followership
Learn what workplace spirituality is and what it requires of 21st century followers. This workshop includes Dr. Mercer's 10 Principles of Powerful Followers.
Call & Commission
Learn what it means to be a powerful professional and what God requires of us in the workplace.
Learn how working in excellence professes the gospel without saying a word. This workshop includes Dr. Mercer's 7 Pillars of Excellence.
Leading Change
Learn how to prioritize, evaluate, and lead change in the workplace. This workshop includes Dr. Mercer's 8 Priorities for Change.
Spiritual Discourse
Learn how to build community around change with effective communication and how to persuade the unpersuadable with Dr. Mercer's 12 Steps to Spiritual Discourse.
10 Commandments for Powerful Professionals
Based on 1 Peter 3:8-12, discover how the Apostle Peter's instructions to 1st century persecuted Christians are fitting and necessary instructions for 21st century powerful professionals in the secular workplace.
Eligible for Selah
15 Ways to Evangelize in a Secular Workplace
You are the only Bible some will ever read, so what will they learn? Discover 15 ways to preach the gospel and transform your workplace via critical actions and discourse without ever needing to host a Bible study or read a scripture.
Eligible for Selah
8 Steps to a Workplace Revival
Do you need a workplace makeover? Discover the seven steps that powerful professionals must take to cultivate and manifest their power in the workplace and revive their career with no one else's influence but their own.
Eligible for Selah
15 Steps to Fostering Excellence in Low Performing Team Members
Whereas mediocrity is a mindset, low performance is not. Therefore, low performing team members can be coached to achieve excellence and even surpass organizational goals. Learn the 15 steps to fostering excellence in your team members.
Eligible for Selah
15 Reasons Why Team Members Settle for Mediocrity
Is your or your team member's excellence being held captive by a mediocre mindset? Discover 15 reasons why people settle for mediocrity, the role leaders play in nurturing mediocrity, and the 15 critical countermeasures one must take to transform this mindset.
Eligible for Selah
10 Mindsets of Effective Leaders
Having a growth mindset is great but it's not the only mindset of an effective leader. This workshop challenges leaders to self-assess their capacity for embracing Dr. Mercer's 10 Mindsets of Effective Leaders.
Eligible for Selah